About Me, 1990

My name is Brandon.
God made me.
I was born in February,
on the 1st, 1985,
in Union, South Carolina.
I am Aquarius,
born in the Year of the Ox.
How wonderful God made me.

He gave a nose to smell.
He gave me eyes to see.
How wonderful God made me.

I am special.
God loves me.
He gave me eyes to see.
He gave me ears to hear,
friends and parents all so dear.

He gave me a mouth to taste,
and water to drink,
a nose to smell and mind to think.
He gave me hands to work and play.

He gave me feet and legs so I could walk.
He gave me a tongue and lips so I could talk.
Thank you God, each day I say.
I’m so glad I’m made this way.
I’m so glad I’m here today.

Published by

Brandon K. Nobles

Brandon is an author, poet and head writer for Sir Swag on YouTube. With 630k subscribers. Since February 2021 he has written for the most important and popular series, News Without the Bulls%!t and the least popular work on the channel, History Abridged. Brandon joined the channel in late January, since then his work has been featured every month in News and History. His novels and works of fiction have also been well received, and he continues to be a proficient and professional chess player. In his spare time he like to catch up on work.

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